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Integrating Asana with Avenue

Updated over a week ago

Asana is a popular project management tool that helps teams organize, track, and manage their work. By connecting Avenue with Asana, you can streamline cross-platform collaboration and enhance your operations.

Setting up your Asana Integration

Step 1. Under Settings in the Navigation bar, scroll to Integrations and click on the tile to add a new integration. Select Asana, then click Continue.

Step 2. Name you Asana integration. Then click Begin Auth to be redirected to Asana's authentication page. Follow the steps, then come back to Avenue once you've successfully connected to Asana.

Congrats! You should see the following screen if you've successfully connected to Asana to Avenue. In Avenue, you'll see a green tile with your Asana integration.

You should see this screen when you are successfully connected.

Using Asana as a Subscriber

Follow these steps to use Asana as a Workflow Subscriber, from which you can create tasks for each of your Signals.

  1. Select Asana from the Notification Type dropdown.

  2. Select the Integration Instance if you've added more than on Asana integration integration (If you gave your integration a name, you should see that name here)

  3. Select which Asana workspace you would like to use

  4. Then add any fields you would like to populate with Signal Data.

    1. You can use template variables to populate your signal data dynamically. Just put the template variables inside {{ }}

    2. The Name and Description fields will be auto-generate, but you can customize these if you would like.

Pro tip. Use the Send Test Signal button on the right to test your Asana Subscriber. Make sure that your Asana Subscriber works before you save your Workflow!

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