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Updated over a week ago

What's in this Article:

Integrating Avenue with Intercom allows for a streamlined workflow and improved communication across your organization. The integration allows users to create tickets in Intercom from Signals generated within Avenue. Syncing Avenue signals with Intercom tickets allows for cross-platform conversations to take place between various teams and external vendors in one centralized system, resulting in streamlined collaboration and communication across departments.

Setting up your Intercom Integration

Here are the steps to getting Intercom integrated with Avenue:

1. Head over to Settings in the Navigation bar.

2. Scroll all the way to the Integrations section, then click to add an Integration

3. Select the Intercom (Beta) option and press Continue

4. You will be redirected to the Intercom Authorization page. Click through to grant Avenue access to your Intercom workspace.

πŸŽ‰ You're all set! You can always go back into your integration settings to modify or remove your Intercom instances.

Setting Intercom as a Signal Subscriber

Adding Intercom as a Subscriber to your Signal allows you to create an Intercom ticket for each Signal associated with a Workflow. Intercom Subscribers sync with Avenue Signals, such that any ticket comments and status updates you make in Intercom will be reflected in Avenue and vice versa.

You add an Intercom Subscriber to your Workflow when you're setting up a new Workflow. You can always edit your Intercom Subscriber by returning to the Workflow edit page.

Use the following steps to set up your Intercom Subscriber on an Avenue Workflow:


Step 1. Select Intercom as your Subscriber

In the Add Subscribers section of your Workflow setup, select Intercom (Beta) as the Notification Type, and select the Intercom workspace you would like to use (if you've connected more than one workspace).

You will need to select whether to create a Data Event or Ticket under the request_type field and which admin to associate with it under the admin_id field.

Step 2. Customize your Intercom Signal

Use the signal_title_override and signal_body_override to customize the title and description of your Intercom Signal

Step 3. Customize your additional fields.

If you've selected to create a ticket under request_type, you will need to set the ticket field, and set both the contacts and ticket_type_id sub-field attributes. Use the + Add Another Field button to get started.

If you've selected to create a data event under request_type, you will need to set the event_name, user_id, id, email sub-field attributes (metadata is optional).

Step 4. Verify that your Intercom Integration works.

Use the "Send Test Signal" button on the right to send a test Signal. You'll see a green confirmation popup if everything went through successfully. Make sure that your Intercom Subscriber works before saving your Workflow.

⛑️ If you need any help or have any questions please contact support by email, or at any time within the app, scroll down to the Get Help button on the left navigation bar.

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