
Connecting Avenue to Salesforce

Updated over a week ago

This integration allows teams to create Salesforce Objects like Tasks and Opportunities directly from Avenue Monitors. For example, a team might have a customer success monitor watching payment data that alerts when a customer has not paid their bill. Once the monitor triggers a Zendesk ticket would be created for the support team to follow up on the payment.

Setting up the Integration


You will need your organizations Salesforce workspace name which you can find in the beginning of your Salesforce URL:

Authentication Steps

1. Head to Settings and click on the Salesforce integration tile

2. Add your Salesforce Workspace name and click on Create Integration

3. You will then be directed to a Salesforce login page to finish the authentication.

4. The Salesforce tile will then highlight in green to indicate that it is connected.

Creating Salesforce Tasks

What is a Task?

Salesforce tasks are action items within the platform designed to track work and interactions. Tasks in Salesforce can be linked to different objects, such as contacts or opportunities.

Read more about Salesforce Tasks in the Salesforce Documentation.

How to Setup your Subscriber to create Salesforce Tasks

  1. The base URL

    1. Make sure to replace {{YOUR_WORKSPACE_NAME}} with your Salesforce workspaces name:

  2. Fields:

    1. Task fields are not required to create Tasks from Avenue, however it can be helpful to create your salesforce tasks with prefilled information.

    2. Some notable fields are: AccountId, Description, and Priority.

    3. For a complete list of fields you can add see the Salesforce Task Documentation.

Creating Salesforce Opportunities

What is an Opportunity?

Opportunities in Salesforce represent potential sales deals with customers or prospects. They can be tracked through different stages, from lead generation to closing the deal. Each opportunity provides details such as the potential revenue, expected close date, associated account, and current stage, enabling businesses to forecast revenue and manage their sales processes effectively.

Read more about Salesforce Opportunities in the Salesforce Documentation.

How to Setup your Subscriber to create Salesforce Opportunities

  1. The base URL

    1. Make sure to replace {{YOUR_WORKSPACE_NAME}} with your Salesforce workspaces name:

  2. Fields:

    1. Required Fields:

      1. Name

      2. StageName

      3. CloseDate - Dates in Salesforce should be formatted as: YYYY-DD-MM.

    2. For a complete list of fields you can add see the Salesforce Task Documentation.

💡For advanced usage

There are many other endpoint that our Salesforce Integration can send requests to in order to create different and more specific Salesforce Objects. If you are interested in exploring these please reference the Salesforce docs here: Standard Objects

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