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Escalation Policies
Escalation Policies

Overview of setting up an escalation policy, how it is used & what to expect when signals are escalated on Avenue.

Updated over a week ago


Set up escalation policies to determine how a signal will be routed to notify your team. An escalation policy is comprised of ordered escalation groups. Each group can consist of different types of subscribers.

Escalation groups

Each escalation group is a set of subscribers that will be notified at the same time.

Escalation Group 0 (first escalation group) is the first to be notified when a signal is triggered. Depending on how your policy is set up, the following escalation groups will be notified when the signal is either automatically escalated (after a specified time period) or manually escalated. Each subsequent escalation group is named Escalation Group 1, 2, 3, etc.

Set up an escalation policy

Every monitor has its own escalation policy. Set up the escalation policy while creating or editing the monitor: add/remove subscribers, add/remove escalation groups, set auto-escalation rules between groups.

Users can repeat escalation policies a specified number of times if the signal is unresolved after a specified time period.

Review escalation policies

From a monitor's details page, you can find the escalation policy under Properties > Recipients.

To find out the escalation policy a signal will follow, simply click on the button View Monitor and check out the monitor's recipients.

Automatically escalate on Avenue

Avenue will use the escalation policy to automatically escalate an issue to the escalation group next-in-line. Automatic escalations are only triggered if the issue has not been resolved within the period of time specified in the escalation policy.

Manually escalate on Avenue

Click on a signal you would like to escalate. From the signal's details page, click on the button Escalate to either: send another notification to the current escalation group ("Ping current escalation group") or manually escalate to the next escalation group in the escalation policy ("Escalate to next group").

Manually escalate on Slack

Signals can also be escalated directly on Slack by clicking on the Escalate button in the Slack message.

Any additional context can be provided in the escalate with message pop up that is shown after clicking Escalate. This message will be sent to the next escalation group and recorded in the signal's activity log.

Escalations & signal activity

The full lifecycle of the signal, including any automatic and manual escalations can be found in the signal activity log. Details of the escalation like who escalated the issue, when was it escalated, who was it sent to, and finally, what was the escalation message sent can all be found here.

Exporting escalation data

You can export signal & escalation data (found in the signal's activity log) to your Data Warehouse or a Google Sheets report from Avenue.

Escalation data will include the following fields:

  • signal_id - the signal that was escalated

  • description - details on the escalation

    • "Issue has been escalated to the first escalation group"

      • Signal was just triggered and Escalation Group 0 was notified

      • escalated_to_level = -1

    • "Issue auto escalated to escalation group {{index}}"

      • Signal automatically escalated according to escalation policy

      • escalated_to_level = {{index}} - 1

    • "{{User}} escalated issue to escalation group {{index}}"

      • User manually escalated the signal (either on Avenue or on Slack)

      • escalated_to_level = {{index}} - 1

    • "Escalation policy is repeating for the {{number}} time"

      • The escalation policy was set up to repeat number of times if the signal was not resolved

      • This policy is now repeating for the {{number}} time, starting from Escalation Group 0 again

      • escalated_to_level = -1

  • escalated_to_level - escalation group index minus one

  • manually_escalated_by - email of user who escalated the signal (only populated if the signal was manually escalated)

  • created_at - when the escalation took place

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