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Signal Details

Overview of the information available in the Signal Details Page.

Updated over a week ago


  1. Mute Alert

    • Mute any further notifications regarding this signal if there are escalation paths associated with this monitor.

  2. Escalate

    • This button allows you to manually re-run any escalation paths or re-ping the current notification destinations.

  3. Assignee

    • See the current assignee and reassign to another user if needed.

  4. Status

    • Adjust the current status of the signal, see Ticket Statuses for more information.

  5. Priority

    • See the current priority setting for this signal and adjust as needed.

  6. Archive


  1. Rows Impacted

    • Here you will see the raw data that was returned from your Monitor query formatted in a readable format.

  2. Message

    • This is the text that is configured when creating or editing a Monitor. This is the information that makes up the body of the notification.

  3. Tags

    • Signals inherit the tags set in the monitor they are created from, however you can also add additional tags to your Signals for tracking and organization.

Activity & Subscribers

  1. Activity Log

    • Here you will see a record of the important high level information associated with this signal such as: Status Change, Assignee Change and Subscriber History.

  2. Subscribers

    • This shows you the destinations associated with this signal. In the example above you can see that on top of creating a signal in Avenue, we sent out a notification via email. You would also see links if you created tickets in Zendesk or Intercom.

Comments & Notes

  1. Public Reply

    • Add comments to your signal which will be synced to your subscribers.

  2. Internal Note

    • Internal notes are internal comments that you can use to make notes have conversations within Avenue. Internal notes will always be highlighted in blue.

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