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Using Markdown in Avenue

Updated over a week ago

Why Use Markdown in Avenue?

Markdown is a streamlined text formatting syntax that was created to enhance readability and simplify the authorship process. It's frequently employed across a variety of digital platforms for composing organized, stylized text in online documentation, forums, and blogs.

By using Markdown in Avenue Signals, you can format text to make it more readable and highlight important pieces of information. For example, you can easily bold or italicize text, create headings and bullet points for organization, add links to external resources or images that might provide additional context. This makes it easier for users to quickly understand the situation at hand and take appropriate action more efficiently.

How to Use Markdown in Avenue

In Avenue you can use Markdown when customizing a signal when creating or editing a monitor, and in signal comments.

Here is the available markdown syntax available in Avenue:


Bold requires ** on both sides of the text.



Italic requires singular * on both sides of the text.



Titles require ## on the left side of the text.

## Title 

Note: The image above shows how title markdown is displayed in Slack. Slack currently does not have a separate concept of a title, here is how the title will show in an email:


Hyperlinks have two parts, square brackets and parenthesis. In the square brackets you add the text you wish the link to display and then in the parenthesis you add the URL.

[Link Test](URL)


A quote requires > on the left side of the text.

> Quote

Note: Quote's only work in slack at the moment, other subscriber types will just see:

> text or tabbed text. For example here is how it would look in an email:


Inline code requires ` on both sides of the text.



Code blocks requires three back-ticks above and below the text.

Code Block


Image markdown has two parts like hyperlinks, square brackets, parenthesis and the addition of an exclamation point prepended on. In the square brackets you add text that will either replace the image if some issue causes it to not show, or if sending to Slack will add a link with the image URL. In the parenthesis you add the image link.


Bulleted List

Bulleted Lists require - to the left of the text.

- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 3

Numbered List

Numbered List simply require the item number to the left of the text.

1. One
2. Two
3. Three

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