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The Slack integration is our most widely used integration and is a great way to kick off your Avenue workspace. Our Slack integration will allow you to get Avenue signal notifications in your slack workspace, create ad-hoc signals from Slack, sync your Avenue comments and Slack threads, and more.

How to connect Avenue and Slack

1. Click on Settings

2. Click on the add integration card within the "Slack Connections" section

3. Select the workspace you want to connect (a) and click "allow" (b)

Adding Avenue to a Private Slack Channel

If you try to add a private Slack channel as a subscriber without any configuration you will run into an error. In order to send notifications into a Private slack channel you will need to invite avenue into that channel. The easiest way to do this is to type: @Avenue and select Invite Them on the popup.

  1. Type: @Avenue

  2. Select Invite Them

  3. If you see this message the process was completed correctly

Avenue Interactions in Slack

When your monitors create signals, if the monitor has a Slack subscriber associated with it we will create a new Slack thread in your workspace. These threads will contain some information about the signal that was created in Avenue and will provide you with a number of interactive options.

Signal Update Buttons

Avenue Slack notifications have buttons so you can directly:

  1. Acknowledge and self-assign the issue

  2. Assign the issue to another person in your Avenue workspace

  3. Resolve the issue once you have acknowledged it

  4. Escalate the issue with additional context

  5. View Details of the issue (routes to Avenue's signal details page)

Replies and Reactions

Replies and emoji reactions to an Avenue Slack notification are recorded as comments on the signal's details page. So, not only can you directly take action via the buttons above, but you can also post any status updates or thoughts on Slack and this will automatically also be centrally recorded on Avenue.

Trigger Signals via Slack

Finally, you can also trigger a signal for any monitor set up with a Webhook by using the shortcut /Avenue in the text bar on Slack. This is a very powerful tool teams can use to kick off Avenue issues manually.

Using Slack IDs

Why Use Slack IDs in Avenue?

Slack IDs are unique identifiers that Slack uses for Users and Channels. Often companies will store Slack ID's in organizational databases which you can reference to create dynamic variables or messaging within Avenue. Slack ID's can be used in place of Slack handles or channel names in Avenue.

  • Usernames much be prepended with an "@" .

  • Channel Names must be prepended with a "#"

For example, let's say you are monitoring data representing a series of departments within a supermarket. When an inventory metric falls below a certain level we want the manager of that department DM'ed in Slack. Here is what the database looks like:

All you would need to do is use add the column name to the subscriber input. The syntax for the example above would be:

  • {{Manager_Slack_ID}}

How To Find Your Member ID

Slack Member IDs identify users. They always start with a U, for example a user ID could be: U0304TP4VGID.

To find your user ID in slack, click on your avatar in the top right corner and select profile:

From here reveal a drop down by selecting the Three dots and click on Copy Member ID:

How to Find a Channel ID

Slack Channel IDs always start with the letter C, like: C0500NTK3LN.

To find a channel id open that channel in Slack, and in the top left corner, hover and click on the channel name to Get channel details.

Once the popup appears simply look at the bottom of the popup and you will see the ID and a button to copy it to your clipboard.

Sending Notifications to Slack Groups

Grab the Group ID then tag them in the message of the alert like this: <!subteam^ID> E.g. if team id was S01234 - it’d be <!subteam^S01234>

You can find the Group ID by clicking on the three dot menu in of the User Group in Slack:


I'm having trouble sending signals to my slack channel!

First, ensure that you have a slack integration enabled in your Avenue organization. Next check if your target channel is a private channel. If it is you should add the Avenue Bot using the steps provided above. Otherwise, contact us for support.

How do I use Avenue forms to create signals from slack?

If you have any "Form/Webhook" monitors that have an Avenue form attached, you can submit the form from slack by using the "/avenue" command.

What Slack permissions does Avenue need?

Avenue requires the following workspace level scopes:


Avenue also requires the following user level scopes:


Contact us if you have further questions on how Avenue uses slack!

⛑️ If you need any help or have any questions please contact support by email, or at any time within the app, scroll down to the Get Help button on the left navigation bar.

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