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Create a Team

Create and Manage teams, teammates, invitations, user roles and permissions, whitelist domain, and more

Updated over a week ago

What's in this Guide


The Teams page is where you can Create and Manage Teams and Teammates.

For Teams, you can set

  • Preferred Slack Channel

  • Assignment policy

For Teammates, you can manage

  • Invites

  • Roles & Permissions

  • Remove from Organization

Creating a Team allows you to route your Monitors directly to a specific Team, then notify the right Teammate based on the Team's Assignment Policy.

User Roles & Permissions give you granularity into who has access to what in Avenue

Getting Started with Teams

Navigate to the Teams tab to create and modify new teams, as well as see all of your Organization's members.

How to use Teams?

Teams help you create and organize your workspace. It also allows you to set Monitors to route to specific Teams, and manage the destination for them via the one Teams setting vs. navigating to each monitor 1-by-1

Monitors can be set up to automatically route to a Team. Tickets sent to a Team will be routed to that Team's Preferred Slack Channel. If the Ticket needs to be Resolved, the Ticket will be Auto-assigned to a Teammate on that Team based on that Team's Assignment Policy.

Create & Managing Teams

To create a new team, simply click on the Create a New Team button and input

  • Team Name

  • Emoji

  • Preferred Slack Channel

  • Teammates

  • Assignment Policy

To remove a Teammate from a Team, click on the ✏️ icon on the right-hand side of that Teammate and remove them from the Team.

Watch the video below on how to Create & Manage Teams in Avenue:

Auto-Assignment Policies

Ensure nothing slips between the cracks with Avenue's auto-assignment feature! Alerts routed to teams with assignment policies are automatically assigned to one of its team members based on the policy set.

Teams can set assignment policies by editing their team settings (click on the pencil icon next to a team) on the Teams page.

The choices for Auto-Assignment are:

  • None: no auto-assignment policy set for the Team

  • Random: Avenue randomly assigns Tickets sent to the Team to one of its members

  • Random (Working Hours): Avenue when assigning a Ticket to this team will first check which members are active in their working hours, then randomly assign to one of them

  • Round Robin: Assignment will cycle through members, one-by-one, in order

Each teammate on Avenue can set their working hours and signal preferences (Slack, Whatsapp, etc.) under their profile settings. If a team member updates their preferences, phone number, or other contact information, it will automatically update all policies in place.

Using Teams in Monitors

Now, when I Create a Monitor > I can toggle off "Manual" and select the Team I want the Monitor routed to, e.g.

Teammate Roles & Permissions

Organizations can assign permissions according to the different user types, all within their Avenue workspace.

A user can fall into one of four roles:

  • Admins can oversee their Avenue workspace and can modify other users’ permissions

  • Creators can create and edit monitors and data views, querying data directly

  • Members can receive and respond to alerts

  • Guests is a view-only role. Recommended for 3rd party team members

What can each role do?

  • Guests can:

    • Only see information about the signals assigned to them

    • The user cannot access underlying monitor logic.

  • Members can:

    • Review and mute existing monitors

    • Resolve and escalate any alerts

    • Edit their own user settings (such as their default notification destination)

  • Creators can do everything that Members can, as well as:

    • Create, update, and delete:

      • Monitor drafts and monitors

      • Teams and team members

    • Add new integrations (e.g. Slack,

    • Run queries and view the data returned to a given monitor

  • Admins can do everything that Members and Creators can, as well as:

    • Create, update, and delete database connections

    • Modify other users’ roles

    • Remove users from the organization

    • Update the organization email domain whitelist (used to allow new users to join the organization)

    • Update other organization properties such as the the name

    • Make changes to organization billing preferences

Inviting Teammates

How to directly invite a Teammate to your Organization

  • Navigate to Teams page

  • Click "Invite Teammates"

  • Select the User Role to Invite them as

  • Type the Teammate(s) email(s), click Invite

Review Invited Teammates under in the Pending Invites tab where you can also Resend and Withdraw existing invites (note, you can only resend invites once every 24 hours)

How to Whitelist an Organization Domain

In addition to direct-inviting teammates, you can whitelist a domain for your organization. Whitelisted domains will allow anyone in your organization to log-in via SSO via that domain name.

For example, we have whitelisted, this means anyone who:

  • Navigates to

  • Signs in with Google using their email

  • Will get access to the Avenue workspace (with the default role selected in Settings)

See the following video on how to add or remove whitelisted domains via your Avenue Settings Page


Who can modify user roles?

Only Admin users can modify user roles.

What roles should I assign my teammates?

The rule of thumb for role assignment should be to give each member of your organization the minimum permissions required for them to execute their role. That is if you anticipate that Bob will only respond to alerts created by others, make him a Member. Likewise, if you’d like Alice to be responsible for creating new alerts, make her a Creator!

How do I change my (or my teammates’) role(s)?

Navigate to the Teams page in the Avenue app and click on the pencil icon to open the editing pane for a given organization member:

How do I bulk invite Guest users to Avenue?

Using a directory sync we can enable any whitelisted user (i.e. anyone with the gmail account tied to your Avenue account) to be automatically created as a Guest user in Avenue. We recommend doing this in cases where you have a large number of non-W2 employees (such as BPO, 1099 contractors, etc). Please speak with customer service to set this up.

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