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Monitor Actions
Monitor Actions

Add Actions to your Signals

Updated over a year ago

Monitor Actions allow you to execute actions directly from Avenue Signals, for example you could create tickets for your engineering team or send important emails after reviewing the data on the signal.

Adding Monitor Actions

Here are the steps to add Actions to your Monitors:

  • Head to the monitor you would like to add an action then:

    1. Select Actions

    2. Select Create New Action

  • Once you are on the Action Information page there are 3 steps:

    1. Add a Name and Description.

    2. What Should this action do?

      1. This setting configures the type of action you would like to create, there are many options including Add a Subscriber to the Signal and Add Tags to Signal.

    3. How Should this action be triggered?

      1. This input decides whether the Action will be triggered manually or by an event. For event triggered actions some of the options are New Signal Created, Signal Assigned, or Signal Changed Status.


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