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Adding Snowflake as a Data Source

💡Please allow Avenue to connect to your database by allow-listing our IP addresses:,

2. Click on Connect Data Source

Click on Connect Data Source

3. Click on the Database Type drop down and select Snowflake

4. Get your Credentials for Snowflake

Snowflake Connection Details: You will need the following Snowflake connection details from your Snowflake dashboard or account admin.

  • Snowflake account URL

  • Username and password

  • Warehouse name

  • Database name

  • Schema name (optional)

5. Enter Snowflake Connection Details

Now, you'll need to provide the Snowflake connection details you collected in the prerequisites into the form in Avenue.

  • Account URL: This is the URL of your Snowflake account.

  • Username and Password: Enter your Snowflake login credentials.

  • Warehouse: Specify the name of the Snowflake warehouse you want to use.

  • Database: Specify the name of the Snowflake database containing your data.

  • Schema: Optionally, provide the name of the Snowflake schema if your data is organized into schemas.

6. Test the Connection

After entering the connection details, you'll be able test the connection to ensure it's working correctly. This step helps verify that your credentials and configuration are accurate.

7. Connect your Account

Once the info in the above form is filled out and you've tested the connection, click Connect Database.

⛑️ If you need any help or have any questions please contact support by email, or at any time within the app, scroll down to the Get Help button on the left navigation bar.

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