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Import Queries From Metabase and DBT
Import Queries From Metabase and DBT

Instructions on Importing Queries from Data Visualization Tools

Updated over a week ago

If you already use Metabase or DBT for your Data Visualization, you can import your queries instead of re-writing to reduce the amount of time it take you to get setup in Avenue.

Starting the import​

1. Click on Data Views

Click on Data Views

2. Click on Import

Click on Import

3. Choose the Integration

Choose the Integration

Importing From Metabase

Importing from Metabase is quite simple, all you need is your organizations Metabase URL, username and password.

Once you add your credentials, all you need to do is select the questions that you would like to bring into avenue and select Import.

Importing From DBT

The only difference from the Metabase import when it comes to DBT is that you need to upload your DBT Manifest, after this is completed you will see the same modal as above where you select the queries you are looking to import.

Collecting the DBT Manifest

There are two methods of exporting your manifest from DBT, from the User Interface and via the Terminal/Command Prompt.

From the UI:

To export the manifest.json file from the DBT UI, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Models page in the DBT UI.

  2. Click on the Export button in the top right corner.

  3. In the dropdown menu, select JSON.

  4. Save the file with the name manifest.json.

This will export a JSON file that contains metadata about your DBT models and the relationships between them.

From your Terminal/Command Prompt:
To export the manifest.json file from DBT, you can use the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

dbt run --model-dir <directory_name> --profiles-dir <profiles_directory> --output-format json > manifest.json

Replace <directory_name> with the name of the directory that contains your DBT models, and replace <profiles_directory> with the name of the directory that contains your DBT profiles. This command will create a manifest.json file in the current working directory.

⛑️ If you need any help or have any questions please contact support by email, or click on the button in the bottom right corner.

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